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4 Prayers to St. Valentine for a happy marriage

4 prayers to St. Valentine for a happy marriage

February 14 is such a significant date, especially for couples and lovers.
The Christian world celebrates the Feast of Saint Valentine, Patron Saint of all lovers, that always watches over engaged couples and not only.
Maintaining a healthy relationship is not that simple. To make everything work you need a lot of will, patience and reciprocity. There is no love without these three essential virtues. And why not, even a little prayer never hurts. For this reason, we have summarized below 4 beautiful prayers to St. Valentine that could be of inspiration for you and your partner. Recite them with faith and trust.

1st prayer to St. Valentine for the lovers’ souls

Prayer to unite in God the souls of a couple of lovers.

Dear St.Valentine,
who protects lovers high in Heaven,
giver of love and passion,
Saint who strings the heart's cords,
lead the lovers this day, February 14.
Please, unite our two souls and two hearts in one.
Some loves are fleeting,
but that one which is built on God will never fail.
So please guide the lovers to know what it is like to experience the love of God.
Please, let the lovers remember that their soul's desire
is the one for which God lights their fire.

Dear St. Valentine,
may you be my guide, today and always.

2nd prayer to St. Valentine for a loved one

Recite this prayer mentioning your loved one to whom you want to pray for.
It can be your husband, your wife, your family member or just a dear friend. It doesn't matter who.

I say this Valentine prayer for you (mention your loved one)
and I ask the Lord above
to fill your heart and bless your soul
with the precious and eternal gift of love.

I ask you, St. Valentine, for sincere love
the kind that's meant to stay
just like the generous love
you give to those you touch each day.
I pray for love from his/her family
And from every cherished friend
then I ask you to give him/her
God’s love that knows no end.
Please, St. Valentine, help him/her (mention again your loved one)
to always have a peaceful marriage,
always full of love, respect and reciprocity.

3rd prayer to St. Valentine to remember why you fell in love

Sometimes we forget about how we felt that day, when we found out we were in love with our partner. May this prayer “refresh”your memories.

Dear St. Valentine,
help us to remember when we first met and
the strong love that grew between us.
Help us love in practical ways so that nothing can divide us.
May our words be kind and our thoughts gracious.
May we remain humble enough to ask for forgiveness and wise enough to freely give.
Teach us to lean on you and put our trust in you at all times.
For you have never failed us in the past and will never fail us in the future.

4th prayer to St. Valentine to protect your marriage

…and finally for some protection from the Patron Saint of lovers, here is a beautiful protection prayer you can recite for you and your husband/wife.

St.Valentine, be our light.
When the darkness seeps in,
brighten our days with the power of praise.
St. Valentine, Patron Saint of Lovers, be our light and shield.
When the arrows of hurt tear us down help us to hold a covering of gold.
St. Valentine, may you be our hope.
When despair starts to rise, keep us afloat,
blow the sails of our heart.
St. Valentine, may you be our sight.
When confusion ensnares, free us to see, to hold onto our dreams.
St. Valentine, may you be our light, our shield, our hope and our sight.
For in you we trust, in you we arise.
May you always protect our marriage from evil
and remind us daily how lucky we have been in finding each other.

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