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3 Patron Saints of Marriage

3 Patron Saints of Marriage

Marriage is one of the seven Catholic Sacraments and consists in the union of two people who love each other and who want to spend their whole life together, in the name of God. In addition to being a Sacrament, it is a very important step in the life of each of us who are blessed enough to find a life partner, a groom or a bride. According to Pope John Paul II, Marriage is the most ancient sacrament of all; it is the place where God's love is revealed to the world.
If you are a true Catholic and are about to receive this important Sacrament, you cannot fail to know who the Patron Saints of Marriage are.
Let's find out together!

St. Raphael the Archangel

Saint Raphael is one of the seven Archangels, together with Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Barachiel, Jegudiel and Selaphiel, and His name literally means “God heals”. The root of his name, of Hebrew origin, indicates much more than a simple physical healing; it includes any kind of adjustment and implies a transformation for the better in both the physical and the psychic.
He is the Archangel of love and health, and for this reason He is considered the Patron Saint of Marriage, as well as young, fiancés, Pharmacists, Oculists, Educators, Wayfarers and Refugees. Due to the meaning of his name, he is considered the healer of difficult loves, and his patronage is linked to the story of Sarah and Tobias, who became married thanks to his prodigies, according to what is written in the Book of Tobit. 

Saint Anthony of Padua

This Portuguese Saint, who became famous for his countless miracles, is considered the Saint who helps women to find a husband. Celebrated every year on June 13, he is considered the Patron Saint of lost items, lost people and souls, amputees, animals, elderly people, fishermen, harvests, horses, mariners, oppressed people, poor, pregnant women, and He is invoked against starvation, sterility and shipwrecks.
It is said of him that he helped women find husbands because of the help he offered humble girls to obtain a dowry and a trousseau for marriage, as was required at the time. Even if the Catholic Church has not declared any holy promoter of marriages, Saint Anthony is nevertheless a great intercessor with God, and single girls can ask Him for the grace to find a good husband.
If you want to ask Saint Anthony for His intercession with God, display the Saint statue on your altar at home or upon your night table.

St. Anthony of Padua statue in resin


Saint Rita of Cascia

Born in 1381 in Roccaporena (Cascia, Italy), Saint Rita was a wife, mother, widow, Augustinian nun and mystic. Celebrated on 22 May, She is considered the Patroness of mothers, invoked against sickness, wounds, abuse and lost and impossible causes, especially difficult marriages and marital problems. She was married to a man in arms, steeped in the violence of the time who, thanks to their relationship, slowly approached the Christian life. Her husband was murdered and she responded with a faith in heroic charity and forgiveness for the time, when revenge was a rule and even a social virtue. Her spiritual passion for the family recalls Saint Monica who prayed for a long time for the soul of her son and husband. Due to her turbulent marriage, She is considered a Saint to pray to when we are experiencing a difficult marriage.
Are you devoted to Saint Rita of Cascia?
Here is the religious statue which depicts this very famous Saint. Shop it now and ask St. Rita to help you with your marriage.

St. Rita of Cascia statue

What to give for Marriage gift?

Generally, the sacrament of Marriage is celebrated with large celebrations, surrounded by relatives, friends and family.
Have you been invited to a wedding and would like to give something truly original?
Discover our Catholic wedding gifts, and amaze the new married couple with a heartfelt gift from the Vatican.


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