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Complimentary blessing

Why it is important to have a Crucifix in your home

4 reasons why it is important to have a Crucifix in your home

The Crucifix is probably the most important symbol of Christianity. It represents a cross with the image of Christ on it and reminds everyone of the mystery of the resurrection of Christ. It reminds us of God’s sacrifice of Jesus, his only Son that leads humanity to salvation
It is a sign of God’s overwhelming love for us. On the top of it, it is usually well visible the “INRI” inscription. The INRI meaning is Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorom (latin for Nazarene Jesus, King of Judeans).

Inri Meaning

But why is it so important for Christians to have a crucifix at home?
Let’s discover it!

1. To Pray in front of a Crucifix, as many Saints did

It is very important for Catholics to have a Crucifix at home because it helps them to focus their contemplation on Christ. Many Saints practiced this, both in their everyday prayer and also when suffering. Very important characters such as St Catherine of Siena and Joan of Arc are deeply linked to the crucifix: the first one for staring at it for hours each day, the second one for the story of her martyrization. Until the end of her life, she remained close to the crucifix and to her faith in Christ, exactly like the Virgin Mary stayed close to Jesus during his crucifixion. Before she died, she asked a priest to have a crucifix in front of the stake, so that she could die while watching Jesus and invoking his name.

2. To Help us Facing Difficult Times

Jesus Christ really trusted his twelve Apostles and asked them to stay with him the night before He died. While the others fell asleep, St John stayed with Him until the end, together with the Holy Virgin Mary. John the Apostle did not escape that horrible time and remained as an act of love and compassion for Christ. In the same way, we can try to emulate St John, facing the bad times with the help of a crucifix.  

3. To Let Jesus Christ Come in our Houses

By keeping a crucifix in the house, we make our home like a domestic church. Your home is inhabited by people who belong to God through Baptism, accepted Christ through the First Communion, confirmed their Faith through the Sacrament of Confirmation and embraced love through the Marriage. Our house is a place where love and forgiveness are taught and pass on from one generation to the next. Both can be strengthened by the presence of a crucifix at home.

4. To constantly Remind us about God’s Love and Sacrifice of Jesus

The crucifix reminds us about the victory of Jesus Christ against sin, death and evil. Even when it seems that evil has the upper hand, a crucifix can constantly remind us about the love of God, who sacrificed His only Son to give humanity salvation 

Standing Crucifix in Olive Wood



Red Metal Standing Crucifix


If you still do not have a crucifix to hang on the wall or for your shelves, you can get one now from our wide collection, suitable for any occasion, available in many sizes, materials and shapes.
Choose between wall crosses or wall crucifixes and standing crucifixes, the one which suits you more.




People usually have one in the living room, but you can even consider hanging one just above your bed or your home door: every time you leave your house, the crucifix will remind you about God's love and will let you feel protected.


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5 Types of Crosses and Their Meanings
All about the Cross & Crucifix

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