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Why to wear the Miraculous Medal

Miraculous Medal: 5 reasons to wear it

The Miraculous Medal was designed as the result of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary to St Catherine Labouré in the 19th century. Since then, the mystical vision of the young novice has become a very popular devotional item associated with miracles and conversions. Many Catholics wear a Miraculous Medal.
Let’s see why do they do it, and 
why should we wear a Miraculous Medal, too.

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1. To Respect the Virgin Mary’s Will  

The first key aspect of the Miraculous Medal is respecting the Virgin Mary's will, as she instructed Saint Catherine Labouré to create the medal based on her vision in 1830. Mary emphasized that the medal should be made for the whole world, as everyone should have the chance to receive its graces. Wearing the Miraculous Medal, especially around the neck, promises special graces, including protection and spiritual blessings. By following Mary's instructions, the medal serves as a reminder of her maternal love and intercession, offering believers a powerful connection to her divine care.

2. Because we Need Miracles

The Miraculous Medal, initially called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, gained widespread recognition less than a decade after its creation due to the many miraculous events and graces associated with it. People began to report healings, divine interventions, and spiritual blessings, leading to its renaming as the Miraculous Medal. Its reputation as a powerful sacramental grew, as countless individuals experienced profound changes in their lives through its intercession. Wearing the medal, especially around the neck, serves as a daily reminder to pray and meditate, encouraging believers to seek Mary's intercession and trust in the divine help she offers. It highlights our need for miracles and the role of faith in receiving God's grace.

3. Because Heroic and Charismatic Women and Men Have Worn it

The Miraculous Medal has been worn by many heroic and charismatic individuals, one of the most prominent being Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She referred to it as a “medal of charity,” recognizing it as a symbol of God’s infinite love and care for every individual. For Mother Teresa, the medal served as a tangible sign of God's love, reminding us that His grace is present in our lives at every moment, no matter our circumstances. She believed it reflected the deep compassion of Christ, encouraging acts of charity and love for others. Her devotion to the Miraculous Medal demonstrates the powerful connection it has to faith, selflessness, and service, inspiring countless others to embrace its grace and wear it with reverence.

4. It Reminds us to Ask for Help

We have already explained the meaning of the images depicted on the medal. About the rays coming from some of the Virgin Mary’s fingers, they represent the graces that God offers through her intercession, and these are given only to those who actively seek them. The image emphasizes the importance of prayer and petition, reminding us that God's grace is abundant, yet it requires a humble request from the believer. Wearing the medal encourages us to turn to Mary in times of need, trusting in her powerful intercession and the divine assistance she offers to those who ask.

5. It is an Outward Sign of Faith

We use symbols, objects, and colors to share values, ideas, as well as interests with the others. The sense of belonging is a human need, and symbols often help us feel part of a community.  Wearing a Miraculous Medal empowers this feeling. It reminds us of our faith, and communicate it to the others.

In conclusion, the Miraculous Medal holds a timeless significance, offering a powerful connection to divine grace and Mary's intercession. To deepen your understanding of its profound impact and historical importance, we encourage you to watch this video, which further explores the grace it continues to bring to believers around the world: 

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St Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal 
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