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4 new year's Catholic resolutions

4 New Year’s Catholic resolutions

Every January, plenty of people from all over the world begin the new year with some new year’s resolutions. It is a way to recognize our weaknesses and issues to improve the quality of our lives. Many people try to lose weight, to get more organized, to do more physical exercise or to eat healthier.

Have you ever thought about improving your spiritual health?
Discover which goals you can reach this upcoming year by following these Catholic good intentions.

1. Be closer to God

If you really trust in God and Christianity, you may do something that could keep you closer to the Lord and His unconditional and endless love for us.
There is no better thing to do to start the new year being thankful to God for what His greatness brought to your daily life. The love of your family, your physical health, the graces you received are only small gifts compared to His immense love for human beings.
Maybe you have not been so thankful to God, you kind of lost the right path and walked a little away from the Lord; always remember He never abandons you, wherever you are, whatever thing you do, because His love is unconditional and infinite.
One Catholic resolution for the new year can be this: pray and praise more our Eternal Father and you will be saved from your daily struggles.

2. Be charitable

Exactly how Jesus loved everyone, especially people in need such as poor, sick and blind people, try to do the same. Retrace the teachings of Christ by helping other people who are not so fortunate, who do not have a family around, who are alone in the darkness: be charitable.
Always remember that Charity is one of the pillars of Christianity, in addition to being one of the three theological virtues, together with faith and hope. Click here to discover more about them.
Never let envy and sloth corrupt your heart.
If you are a true Catholic and wish to follow the teaching of Christ, just imitate His example and be charitable to others.   

3. Be more present for your loved ones

Life is full of struggles and difficulties. Anyone of us has a million things in our daily life that may take us away from the people we love the most. The most important thing is to never let our loved ones behind, because the people we love are our family.
This year, try to leave behind your problems and dedicate more time to the people you love. Our affections are what our lives revolve around. So always be present for your loved ones in need, give them priority. It will strengthen your relationship and will help you feel better.
If you are not physically close to your loved ones, you can be close to them through prayers.
Discover how it could make you feel better and get inspired by a handmade rosary crown while dedicating your thoughts to the people you love the most.
This holy rosary at the bottom has 5 decades of lapis lazuli beads and it is bound with a pure 18K gold-plated  sterling silver connection. Its centerpiece is adorned with shiny white zircons and depicts the Chi-Rho symbol, also called “peace cross”. You can give it to your loved ones as a wish for them to find their spiritual peace and get God's help to face everyday problems.


4. Go on a pilgrimage

Now that the situation with the Covid-19 emergency seems to be a little bit better and people start traveling again, for the next year you may consider to plan a journey and go on a pilgrimage to visit holy places and shrines. This is another option that will make you feel closer to God and it will help you as well to be at peace with your inner self.
There are so many shrines in the world, each one of whom is dedicated to a Saint or a Virgin in particular. If you need some ideas about some shrines in the world, take a look at this blog post, about the 5 most famous Marian shrines in the world.
If you are going to travel a lot, bring your faith with you inside of our rosary boxes.
God always walks by your side.

Miraculous Medal rosary box


Related articles:

5 most famous Virgins and Marian shrines→ 
Why praying for others makes you feel better→
The three theological virtues: faith, hope and love→

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