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October month of the angels

October, the Month of the Angels: Who are They?

In addition to being the month of the rosary, October is the month dedicated to the Holy Guardian Angels, those heavenly creatures that keep taking care of each of us during our whole life. They are deeply linked to the Blessed Virgin, whose most powerful symbol is the rosary. 
Let’s discover why this month is dedicated to the Angels.

Angel statue from Rome

Angel Statue - Castel Sant’Angelo - Rome (Italy)

Angels in the History

The existence of the Angels is a dogma of faith.
From the Ancient Greek Ánghelos (Messenger), the figure of the Guardian Angel was introduced to the Catholic Church on the 2nd of October 1670. The Feast of the Guardian Angels was established by Pope Clement X, while the Orthodox Church celebrates them on January 11.  
In the history of Salvation, God entrusted to the Angels the protection of the patriarchs, the servants and the elected population. The Angels attended the most important events of the Old and New Testament. According to the Holy Bible, there is an Angel for each of us, who accompanies us  from birth to death, taking care of us along the way.

Angels Statues for Sale


Who Are The Guardian Angels

The Angels, free of any body or matter, represent the blessed spirits that God created for His glory and for our protection against demons and evil, trying to defend us from their attacks. The angels allow us to have a bright light in our soul and energy in our heart to reject their infernal wiles. 
That’s why we must honor and love the Holy Angels, especially the one to whom God entrusted to our custody, our personal Guardian Angel who always takes care of ourselves and constantly supervises us from dangers. The Guardian Angels are they who intercede for us and give our prayers to the Lord. We need to honor our Guardian Angel and respect His presence.
For this reason, our devotion to the Guardian Angel is extremely important.

Do you wish to give your Guardian Angel a proper material “figure” and send Him your prayers?
Here are some Guardian Angel statues that may be of your interest.

Guardian Angel statues for sale


Connection Between the Blessed Virgin and the Angels

Did you know that October is even considered the month of the Holy Rosary?
The rosary is the symbol of the Virgin Mary, who is the Queen of Angels; this is one of Her characteristic designations and what links the rosary to the Angels.
If you try to think about it, you will notice that the Mysteries of the rosary are almost constantly suggestive of the angels. The announcement of the Virgin’s pregnancy was made by the Archangel Gabriel, who was sent from heaven. In the same way, the Virgin’s visit to Her cousin Elizabeth was attended by angels, though they were invisible.
Again, the birth of Jesus was announced by a glorious choir of angels, who sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will”. Even at the time of resurrection, some angels came and rolled away the stone from the sepulchre, and announced to the disciples that their Lord had risen from the dead. The Assumption and Coronation of the Blessed Virgin were, of course, celebrated by an innumerable company of angels too.
As you may see, there are so many events to which the angels attended, that’s why they cover a fundamental role within Christianism. 


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Christmas Angels: Messengers of Hope and Love→ 

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