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Prayers for grandchildren

Prayers for grandchildren: how to protect them through prayer

Nowadays, we are generally very scared about what could happen to our loved grandchildren and granddaughters. Dangers and difficulties can hide everywhere: school, restaurants, malls, movie theaters, and so on.
By the way, if you are a devoted grandmother or grandfather, there is something you can do for your children’s divine protection. 

Wondering how you can protect and help them along the journey of their life?
Discover how to do that through prayer and your Catholic faith. 

What do you need to pray for?

Life is full of daily challenges and difficulties.
Your grandchildren have a whole life ahead and there are so many difficulties and unexpected events they could meet along the way.
While praying, just be sure you mention all the possible life-challenges they could meet.

Generally, some ideas you can pray for are these ones below:

  • to follow Jesus's teachings;
  • to be respectful with everyone on earth;
  • to be loved and love their neighbors;
  • to not lose the path of God;
  • to overcome difficult times by keeping a strong Catholic faith;
  • to always be healthy and safe;
  • to avoid the temptations of the Devil;
  • to have a happy life;
  • to always protect them wherever they are;
  • to respect the Christian sacraments and the 10 Commandments;
  • to always rely on God when life is hard.

Thanks to your prayers, your grandsons (or granddaughters) may become such good Christians towards their neighbors and they will surely go through their difficulties and daily challenges with more strength.  

Prayers for Grandchildren: how to protect them through prayer


Dedicate your daily prayers to your grandchildren

Neither we nor their parents can protect our grandchildren from everything. 
Only God can do that.
What we need to do is pray daily for God’s protection to cover our grandchildren wherever they are.
You can help them by dedicating to them some of your daily prayers to the Lord.
As we well know, accidents happen quickly and suddenly; they cannot be predicted sometimes. That’s why you must be praying ongoingly for God’s protection on your grandchildren and granddaughters, as well as their parents who help care for them.

Ask Saint Anne for your grandchildren’s protection

As you may know, Saint Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is considered the Holy Patron Saint of grandmothers and grandchildren.
For this reason, one thing you can do to get your grandchildren’s divine protection is to ask St. Anne to intercede to God in order to keep them safe through their lives.  
Here’s a short prayer to St Anne that will help you to take care of your grandchildren and granddaughters:

Saint Anne, you know my concerns as a grandparent.
So many dangers threaten young people today.
Will those children I love get a good education?
Will they find fulfilling jobs?
Will they follow the ways of your Grandson?
Because I am worried about the future of my grandchildren,
I entrust them to you, Saint Anne.
Take good care of them.
Keep them healthy and always on the right path, faithful to God’s commandments and love.
If they have strayed from His teachings and Church, please help them to return.
Do for them what you did so well for your daughter, Mary.
Teach them how to find true happiness in loving the Lord and their neighbor.
My hope and prayer is based on the goodness of God.
I trust in Him to protect my grandchildren whom I love more than myself.
Please intercede for them and for all the children of the world.

Praying for your grandchildren and all the children of the world is such a generous behavior that will contribute to let you be such a good Christian.
Desiring the good for others is Christian love.
If you want, you can use this beautiful Saint Anne statue, handmade in carved hand-painted wood, by the best craftsmen of Italy.
Display it upon your Catholic altar for prayers and aim your prayers to the Grandmother of Our Lord Jesus.

Carved wood St. Anne statue

Join with other grandparents in prayer

Your fears and worries are probably the same as other grandparents, just like you.
Since unity is strength, why don’t you join with other grandparents in prayer?
You may find many points of view in common with yours or either find out some you never thought about.
Sharing your experiences and your love for your grandchildren with others, may help you build a strong relationship with other members of your Catholic community.
Remember to pray for all the grandchildren of your friends as well; they will do the same for yours and in this way the Divine protection will be even stronger.
Do you need a rosary for your prayers?
Take a look at this Immaculate Heart of Mary Chaplet.

Immaculate Heart of Mary chaplet for prayers


The Immaculate Heart of the Holy Virgin Mary is deeply linked to Her infinite love for Her only son, the Lord Jesus. 
Her love for Jesus is surely as strong as yours for your grandchildren.
Never forget to always pray for them, and they will grow up with the right Christian values.

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