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Who are the Patron Saints of Doctors?

Who are the Patron Saints of Doctors?

Doctors have always been very important in the life of each one of us, especially during these last two years of pandemic. Sometimes we forget about how important they are for our society. As any kind of job field, even doctors have their own Patron Saints. Did you know that?
Discover who are the Patron Saints of Doctors, by reading the paragraphs below.

Sts. Cosmas and Damian

These very famous Saints have always been celebrated a lot by Christians for all the miraculous healings linked to them. Considered the Patron Saints of Medicine, they are celebrated on 26 September and they are usually depicted as twins, beheaded, or with medical emblems that recall their patronage. In addition to being the Patrons of Medicine, they are even considered the Patrons of Surgeons, Physicians, Identical Twins, Dentists; the Protectors of Children, Barbers, Pharmacists, Veterinarians, Orphanages, Day-care Centers, Confectioners, Children in house and they are especially invoked against hernia, bedsores and illness, in general.
During their life, they were two Roman Doctors among the first martyrs of Christianity. Since they were used to not asking anything for their medical services, many people of that age who completely recovered from their illness converted themselves to the Christian faith.
If you are very devoted to these two famous Saints, here is the religious statue which represents them together.

Sts. Cosmas and Damian statue in hand-painted resin


Completely realized in hand-painted resin, this Catholic statue from the Vatican is the most appropriate religious article you can have to adore these special Saints, Protectors of Doctors.

St. Luke the Apostle

Another Catholic Saint that is considered the Patron of Doctors, more specifically of Physicians, is St. Luke the Apostle, celebrated every year on 18 October. In addition to being one of the twelve apostles, Saint Luke is the author of the third Gospel and of the Acts of the Apostles. He is generally considered the Patron Saint of Physicians, but also protects Surgeons, Artists, Bachelors and Farmers.
During his life, he was a Doctor, came from a pagan family and was part of the St. Paul’s Companion. Saint Paul describes him like a man with a good culture, a fluent and elegant Greek and an excellent knowledge of the Bible.
If you are devoted to Saint Luke or you are a physician, you can consider having in your collection of Saints Medal, the medal of St. Luke, here below.

St. Luke medal


St. Panteleimon

The third Catholic Saint who is considered the Patron of Doctors, is Saint Panteleimon. Celebrated on 27 July, he had Nicomedia as his homeland and was the son of Eustorgius and Eubula. His father was an idolater, but his mother was a Christian from her ancestors. It was through her that he was instructed in piety, and still later, he was catechized in the Faith of Christ by Saint Hermolaus and baptized by him. Being proficient in the physician's vocation, he practiced it in a philanthropic manner, healing every illness more by the grace of Christ than by medicines. Thus, although his parents had named him Pantoleon ("in all things a lion"), because of the compassion he showed for the souls and bodies of all, he was worthily renamed Panteleimon, meaning "all-merciful."
If you want to dedicate a special and heartfelt prayer to this Catholic Saint, here is a short one that might be right for you.

Prayer for the ill to St. Panteleimon

First of all, begin this moment of prayer with the usual beginning prayers, such as 1 “Heavenly King”, 3 “Holy God” and 1 “Most Holy Trinity”; then recite this:

O holy champion and healer Panteleimon,
intercede with our merciful God that
He may grant to our souls the forgiveness of our sins. 
You faithfully followed the Merciful One and were granted the grace of healing.
O champion and Martyr of Christ our God by your intercessions
heal the diseases of our souls and banish the snares of the enemy
from those who cry with faith: Save us, O Lord.
Holy Great-Martyr and Healer, Panteleimon, imitator of God's mercy!
Look down in your loving kindness and hear us sinners,
who offer heartfelt prayers before your holy icon.
Ask for us from the Lord God, before Whom the Angels stand in heaven,
remission of our sins and transgressions.
Heal the ills of body and soul of the servants of God whom we here commemorate,
who are here present, and of all Christians who seek your help.
For behold, we, who because of our sins are possessed by bitter ills
and have no help or consolation, yet flee to you for refuge,
since you have been given Grace to pray for us and to heal every ill and every disease.
Grant, therefore, to all of us, by your holy prayers,
health and strength of soul and body, a good growth in the Faith and in devotion,
and all that is needful in this temporal life and for our salvation:
So that, having been granted great and rich mercy through you,
we may glorify you and Him that bestows all good things,
our God Who is wondrous in His Saints,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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