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How To Pray The Christmas Rosary

How to pray the Christmas Rosary

Every need has its own remedy, every occasion has its rosary.
Did you know about the existence of the Christmas Rosary?
It is such a special prayer bead that Christians from all over the world use during Advent and Christmastime that is meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior, and honor the Blessed Mother Mary that, more than 2000 years ago, gave birth to the Son of God. It is composed of five decades, as a conventional rosary, but each of them is dedicated to a mystery linked to the birth of Jesus. Discover how to pray the Christmas rosary here below, by reading the paragraphs below.

Christmas rosary

Christmas rosary.

1st Mystery: Gabriel the Archangel appears to Zechariah

Gabriel the Archangel, first appeared to Zacharias and said,

"Do not be afraid, Zechariah, your prayer has been answered and your wife Elizabeth will give you a son, whom you will call John."

Zechariah answered to the angel:

"How can I know this? I am old and my wife is too”.

The angel replied:

"I am Gabriel, I am in the presence of God and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news ... Nothing is impossible for God".

Let’s dedicate a prayer to Child Jesus, in memory of this mystery linked to Zechariah.

Dear Child Jesus,
I turn to you with full trust, because I believe that
you are God and through the intercession of your
Holy Mother, you can help me in every need.
I love you with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength.
I sincerely regret my sins and ask you for the strength
to overcome temptations and weaknesses.
Help me to serve you faithfully and to love my neighbor as myself.
Lord Jesus, Almighty Child, today I pray to you in particular for a grace that I so much desire (mention it here).
I am so sure of your Love,
that even before knowing the result of my prayer,
I thank you Jesus,
because You are God and nothing is impossible for you.

Right after reciting this prayer, start with the first decade of the rosary, by saying

  • 1 Our Father
  • 10 Hail Mary
  • 1 Glory
  • Conclude the first decade by saying: “O Jesus, please be in our hearts and fill them with your love”.

St. Gabriel the Archangel medal

Medal of St. Gabriel the Archangel, Messenger of God.

2nd Mystery: Gabriel the Archangel appears to Joseph and Mary

Before they moved in together, Mary was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said to him:

"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your bride with you, because what is generated in her comes from the Holy Spirit".

Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took with him his bride, who gave birth to a son, whom he named Jesus.
Let’s pray for it!

Holy Mary, ever virgin Mother,
you who were sweet and tender bride,
faithful and God-fearing woman,
be a model and support for all Christian brides.
Accompany them on their marriage journey and
make them faithful to their vocation as wives and mothers;
it helps to always put God in the first place and to live life with love and full self-giving.

Saint Joseph, you who were a tender spouse, honest and hardworking man,
be light and strength for all husbands;
help them to be faithful companions, caring fathers, and devoted Christians.
With Mary, help all families to always remain united in fidelity and respect,
in dialogue and forgiveness, in comparison and mutual understanding,
in peace, love and charity.

Right after reciting this prayer, start with the second decade of the rosary, by saying

  • 1 Our Father
  • 10 Hail Mary
  • 1 Glory glory be

Conclude the second decade by saying: “O Jesus, please be in our hearts and fill them with your love”.

3rd Mystery: Joseph and Mary arrive to Bethlehem

In those days, Caesar Augustus ordered that a census be made of the whole earth. Joseph from the city of Nazareth went up to Bethlehem, to be registered together with Mary, his wife, who was pregnant.
Now, while they were in that place, she gave birth to her first-born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and placed him in a manger.
Let’s pray for this mystery

O Holy Child Jesus,
who spread your graces on those who invoke you,
turn your eyes to us, prostrate before your holy image,
and listen to our prayers.
We recommend to you the poor in need, who trust in your Divine Heart:
stretch out your powerful hand over them, and help them in their need.
Spread it over the children, to protect them;
on families to safeguard their unity and love;
on the sick, to heal them and sanctify their pains;
on the afflicted to console them;
on sinners, to bring them to the light of your grace.
Stretch your hand over us to bless us.

Right after reciting this prayer, start with the third decade of the rosary, by saying

  • 1 Our Father
  • 10 Hail Mary
  • 1 Glory glory be

Conclude the third decade by saying: “O Jesus, please be in our hearts and fill them with your love”.

4th Mystery: The arrival of the shepherds

Some shepherds kept watch at night guarding their flock.
An angel of the Lord appeared before them and said:

“Do not be afraid, behold I announce to you a great joy, which will be of all the people:
today, in the city of David, a savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord.
This is the sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes,
lying in a manger ”.

Let’s pray for the fourth mystery.

Lord Jesus,
we see you as a child and believe that you are the Son of God,
made man by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, we too adore you,
and prostrate at your feet, we consecrate ourselves to your sweet Heart,
we proclaim you our King, of our family and of the whole world.

May your Heart always be our refuge where,
for the particular merits of your divine childhood,
we will find every grace and every mercy.

Right after reciting this prayer, start with the fourth decade of the rosary, by saying

  • 1 Our Father
  • 10 Hail Mary
  • 1 Glory glory be

Conclude the fourth decade by saying: “O Jesus, please be in our hearts and fill them with your love”.

Resin Nativity Scene from the Vatican

Nativity Scene with the Shepherds.

5th Mystery: The Star of Bethlehem illuminates the way of the Three Wise Men

"Where is the king of the Jews who was born?
Have we seen his star rise, and have we come to worship him?”.

Behold the star preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. When they entered the stable, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him.
Then they opened their caskets and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Christmas tree decoration representing the Nativity Scene in the Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem illuminates the path to the Three Wise Men.

Let’s pray for the fifth mystery.

Holy Child Jesus,
who in the Bethlehem Grotto proposed to men of all times
an itinerary of charity and reconciliation,
enlighten humanity today to rediscover the path that
leads to encountering the other in dialogue, in love, in the service.
You, who wanted to make yourself small on this earth,
grant us the grace to adore you as King of kings,
to give you our hearts, our weaknesses, our miseries, our human imperfection.
Sweet Child Jesus, who in the most heartfelt humility
you have indicated in you the main way that leads to the truth,
help us to overcome prejudice, pride, pride and lies,
causes of discord and divisions among us.
Before you, we open our chests and we realize that they are often empty,
too empty of love.
Transform our resentments into fraternal attitudes,
which make Christmas an authentic Feast of Love.
From the hut in Bethlehem, today as then,
let the Light of your Birth radiate everywhere,
a reason for hope and peace for all humanity.

Right after reciting this prayer, start with the fifth decade of the rosary, by saying

  • 1 Our Father
  • 10 Hail Mary
  • 1 Glory glory be

Conclude the fifth decade by saying: “O Jesus, please be in our hearts and fill them with your love”.

If you want to make this Christmas special, here is for you a special Nativity Scene from the Vatican, entirely handmade, that will amaze your guests during the holidays. Shop it now and get it blessed by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square.

Fabric clothing Nativity Set

Holy Family Nativity Scene with fabric clothing.



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