Almost anyone of us knows at least one person who is defending (or already defended) our homeland serving in the military. When our soldiers leave in uniform, saying goodbye is such a sad moment for his/her family and friends.
“Every time we say goodbye, we die a little”.
Every time we say goodbye to our family members leaving for their missions, we just hope that the Lord will keep them safe along the journey.
Do you know which are the Patron Saints of the military we can address our prayers to?
Let’s discover the most famous ones, and let’s ask them to watch over our soldiers all the time.
St. Michael the Archangel: Patron Saint of Police Officers
Saint Michael the Archangel is deeply linked to the military world.
Celebrated on September 29th, together with the other Archangels (Gabriel and Raphael), among His other patronages, He is the Patron Saint of Police Officers, Soldiers, Military, the United States Air Force, Marine Corps, Vatican City and He’s considered the Guardian and Protector of the Catholic Church.
According to the Bible, Saint Michael was the leader of God’s army during the uprising of Lucifer: for this reason, He is honored also in Judaism and Islam.
If one of your loved ones carries out one of these professions listed above and needs to leave your country for military missions, you may consider giving him/her the Saint Michael Medal with a customized engraving on the reverse.
Here’s a beautiful St Michael Prayer for protection.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend (name of the person) in battle.
Be his/her protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruins of souls.
Our Lady of Loreto: another Patron Saint of the United States Air Force
Our Lady of Loreto, also known as the Virgin Lauretana or the Black Virgin, is the Patron Saint of the United States Air Force, together with St. Michael the Archangel and She is very famous for the Marian shrine in Loreto (Italy) dedicated to the Holy House, the place where the Blessed Virgin Mary was born.Her Feast Day is on December 10th, and She is considered the Patroness of Flyers, Aviators, Air Crews and Aircraft Pilots.
If one of your loved ones is really devoted to this Holy Virgin due to his/her job, here is a beautiful resin statue dedicated to Her.
St. George: Patron Saint of the Army
Saint George is another important Catholic Saint connected with the military.
Celebrated on April 23rd, He is the Patron Saint of Soldiers, Scouts, Guides, the United States Army, Cavalry, Armed Forces and many places and countries, such as England, Georgia, Ethiopia, Catalonia, Portugal, Brazil, Russia and many more.
In religious representations He’s depicted as a knight who, armed only with a spear and His strong Catholic faith, defeats the dragon, the allegory of evil.
If you want one of your loved ones to be protected by St. George, here is the perfect religious medal for the occasion: the St George Medal is such a nice gift for those who combat evil everyday, not only wars but daily battles such as diseases. Wearing it will protect your loved one against all the dangers in battles, such as poisonous snakes, and diseases like plague and leprosy.
St. Nicholas: Patron Saint of the Navy
Celebrated on December 6th, Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra and He’s generally considered the Patron Saint of children, due to His deep link with the original Santa Claus.
Beside protecting children, St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Sailors, Archers, Falsely Accused People, Captives and the United States Navy.
He was quite famous for being especially generous to the poor and a protector of the wronged. Many biblical miracles have been attributed to Him, including raising three young boys from the dead: that’s the reason why in religious representations He is usually depicted together with three children and three golden balls.
If one of your loved ones is about to join the Navy, give him/her the St. Nicholas Medal, a small treasure that will always make him/her remember about your love.
St. Barbara: Patron Saint of the Marine Corps
Another special Catholic Saint who always watches over our everyday heroes is Saint Barbara, whose Feast Day is on December 4th.
Beside being the Holy Patroness of Firemen, Chemical and Military Engineers, Artillerymen, Armourers, Architects, Mathematicians, Miners, Tunnelers, Lightning and Prisoners, Saint Barbara is even the Patron Saint of Marine Corps, together with Saint Michael.
While Her tyrannical father, Dioscorus, kept her locked in a tower, St. Barbara devoted her time to prayer and secretly asked to be baptized. After being tortured often, Her own father beheaded Her and got struck down by lightning.
Due to this connection with lightning, the Marine artillerymen have an annual event to celebrate the Saint and ask Her for protection against thunder, lightning and accidents involving explosions or gunpowder.
If your son, your daughter or anyone else you love is going to join the Marine Corps, let this Catholic Saint protect him/her along the way with the St Barbara Medal.
If you want, you can ask us to engrave your name on the reverse, so that your loved one will always think about you when far away.
We really hope you enjoyed reading this article about the most famous Patron Saints of the Military.
If you have any question, or you want to know more about them or other Patron Saints, write us an email to
Stay safe and God bless.
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