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A prayer to thank God for His goodness

A prayer to thank God for His goodness

Giving thanks and paying homage are two of the most deeply felt moral duties by Christians, towards God the Father, the Creator of all things and creatures.
It doesn't matter when or how you do it. There are those who pray, those who sing, those who go on pilgrimage. Each of these actions is a special thanks to the One who has given us earthly life and who, one day, when the time comes, will give us eternal life and salvation from evil and death.
If you too want to thank God for his infinite goodness and for his unconditional love for us, recite this beautiful prayer to God here below.

A heartfelt prayer to God

Father Lord,
Firstly I want to thank you for the wonderful gift of life that you gave me. Thank you for my life, thank you for giving me the possibility to always live a new day with my dearest ones. Everyday on earth is a precious gift that you have made to me.

Lord, let me exalt your name and your infinite love, in the name of Jesus the Savior, your Son. I magnify you, Jesus and the Holy Virgin for the gift of life because it gives me the consciousness that you are still watching me and that you will answer me when it is time. 
Father Lord, let me praise you, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for the numerous blessings that you have given to me. The blessing of God-fearing parents who showed me the way to the Lord.
I thank you for the good friends that I roll with that help foster the love of Christ in my heart.

I thank you for your everyday blessings and your daily love.
Father Lord, I thank you for the blessings that are seeable, and I also give thanks over the ones that cannot be seen.
Father, I pray that your name is exalted in the name of Jesus.
I thank you, Lord Jesus, for the air that I breathe, I thank you for your goodness and faithfulness over my life.
I thank you because you didn’t let me have reason to use oxygen as a means for breathing, I exalt your holy name because I have sound health and mind.
I thank you because you did not let me fall victim of any evil circumstances or temptations.

I thank you because you did not let me be struck with dangerous illness or diseases, I thank you because you did not allow my faith to be tempted with an incurable sickness.

Lord, I exalt Your holiness, I magnify because you are God over me, let your name be exalted in the mighty name of Jesus.
Lord, I thank you for your protection over my life.
I thank you because you have been the protector of my life.
I exalt you because you did not let me become a victim of an accident, kidnap or assassination.
I magnify you because your hands of protection are always upon me and I feel safe and sound.
I thank you because you have shown yourself to be the mighty man in the battle over my life.
I thank you for helping me overcome everything in my way to success and achieve my goals.
I thank you because you have destroyed every demonic or evil obstacle standing in my way to success.

I exalt your holy name because you take away the evil from my life and You always guide me along the path of life.
You give justice to your people.
I magnify you because of all your goodness over my life. 
Father Lord, I thank you for your protection over my family and friends.
I thank you because you did not let any of them fall victim to any evil circumstances or temptations.
I magnify you because of your faithfulness.
Let your holy name be exalted in the name of Jesus and keep guiding me forever.


What else can I do to thank God?

If you feel that praying and thanking God isn't enough to show your love and faith, try a few small acts of charity towards others. All Christians who have read the Bible know well what Jesus' teachings are: always love your neighbor, help people in difficulty, respect others, make love prevail over hatred. In our small way, each of us, with a small gesture, can do great things, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta said. Each of these actions is an act of faith and thanksgiving to God the Father.
If you are looking for inspiration, think about the lives of the Saints, their dedication to the needy, the poor, the sick. Offering your help to someone in need means following Jesus' teachings, and thus giving thanks to God.
However, the deepest moment of your day when you reach a high level of involvement with the Lord is when you pray. If you need a rosary for your prayers or to praise God, here is an original model for you with lapis lazuli beads. The intense blue of this gemstone is perfect to inspire your prayers and boost your spirituality.
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