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A prayer for the unborn

A prayer for the unborn

Sometimes life confronts us with excruciatingly painful trials, such as the loss of a baby due to a miscarriage. It is one of the most painful things we can experience in life. Many women develop an unfair sense of guilt, they attribute the cause to themselves, but this is absolutely wrong, as they have no guilt. The pain of a mother (or father) who loses a child is something excruciating and lacerating; it creates a void that is very difficult to fill. The Virgin Mary, who lost her only child at a very young age, is well aware of this and that is why many mothers turn their prayers to her who can understand them well.
Discover how to feel the nearness of Mary in such a difficult occasion.

The greatest sorrows of Mary

Among the seven sorrows of Mary, the last two are probably the most significant ones and the most similar to a mother who loses her child: Mary who holds dead Jesus in her arms and Mary attending the burial of Him.
The Holy Virgin, who lost her only child at a very young age, knows well what it means and she probably is the one who can better understand you.
For this reason, many mothers who experience a miscarriage refer their prayers to the Blessed Mother and to Saint Anne: in fact, both are considered the Patron Saints for healthy pregnancies and are invoked against spontaneous abortions

The rosary for the unborn

Among thousands varieties of rosaries, there is one specific which is usually used by mothers who went through the terrible experience of miscarriage. It is called the Rosary for the Unborn and it is such a particular religious tool which is used by mothers to try to find some kind of spiritual consolation, after the biggest loss of all.
This rosary consists of 5 decades of particular light blue drop-shaped beads which contains inside a tiny representation of the unborn. The shape of these beads recalls the teardrops of a suffering mother who experiences this terrible fact. In the same way, the red color of the crosses recalls blood, which is associated with death. It is a powerful tool to help suffering mothers and, at the same time, a potent weapon to end abortion. If you or some of your loved ones are going through this hard life trial, praying with this rosary could be of great spiritual help. 


Story of the Rosary for the unborn children

The rosary for the unborn children appeared the first time in October 1997, the day when the Blessed Mother appeared to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, with this special rosary suspended before her. The Virgin declared that she was there to praises her Son Jesus and told Maureen that Heaven suffered immensely from the scourge of abortion, since it is a huge sin committed against life itself, the most precious gift God made for us. This rosary is considered as well as a powerful weapon against this calamity and all those people who are not pro life. Maureen Sweeney-Kyle contributed to the creation and propagation of this particular rosary. Three years later, the Holy Virgin and Jesus appeared to her again, saying that every “Ave Maria” pronounced with this rosary would redeem the innocent life of a child murdered by abortion. This rosary is meant to help erase the pain of that sinful act from the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

On October 13, 2004, Pope John Paul II blessed the rosary of the unborn children in Rome, as a great weapon to raise awareness and mitigate the punishment for the sin of abortion.

How to recite the Rosary for the unborn children

While reciting the rosary of the unborn, you first must turn to the Blessed Mother and Jesus with an attitude of supplication. It is very important to invoke the protection and salvation of all unborn children of the entire world, and forgiveness for the sinners who commit this immorality.
Follow these steps:

1. Raise the Rosary to Heaven and say: “Heavenly Queen, with this Rosary we unite all the sinners of all nations to Your Immaculate Heart”.

2. Make the sign of the Cross and say: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”.

3. Recite the prayer, suggested to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle after the September 11 attack: “Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, allow all souls to find peace and security in Your Divine Will. Grant to every soul the grace to understand that Your Will is the Holy Love in the present moment. Father Benevolent, enlighten every conscience so that they realize that they are not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time to do it. Amen.

4. Recite the Creed.

5. Continue with the following prayers:

  • One “Our Father”;
  • Three “Hail Mary” for the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.
  • One “All the Glory”.

6. After which there are the pro-life Mysteries of the Rosary, divided into the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. After each Mystery recite:

  • One “Our Father”
  • Ten “Hail Mary”
  • One “All the Glory”
  • The ejaculation of Fatima: “O my Jesus, forgive our sins, save us from the pains of hell, welcome all the souls in Paradise, especially those who are most in need of Your Mercy.
  • The eulogy for the Unborn: “Jesus, protect and save the unborn”

7. After the Rosary, recite some prayers dedicated to Our Lady, such as the “Salve Regina” and the litany against abortion, begging the Lord and Our Lady to welcome our supplications and forgive the sins of all humanity.



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Novena to Saint Anne: a prayer for a safe pregnancy→
The 5 Patron Saints of Mothers and Pregnancy→
How to pray the seven sorrows of Mary rosary→

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