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St Anne Novena for Expectant Mothers

Novena to Saint Anne: a prayer for a safe pregnancy

Together with St Gerard Majella, Saint Anthony of Padua and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Anne is considered the Patron Saint of Pregnancy and Mothers. This is because she was the mother of the Holy Virgin and the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Celebrated on July 26th, no one better than her knows what maternal love is about. She is the Patroness of grandmothers, pregnant women, safe childbirth and through her intercession, many Catholic women had their babies.
If you want the Blessed Mother of Mary to intercede for your pregnancy, dedicate her 9 days of prayers, the Novena to Saint Anne. 
First of all, remember this important data!

Feast: July 26th
Novena: July 17th
Patronage: Mothers, Grandmothers, Pregnant Women, Safe Childbirth.

Keep the maternal love of Saint Anne always with you, with the Religious Medal dedicated to the Patroness of Mothers and Safe Childbirth.
Make it even more yours with our service of customization: at your request, our goldsmith will engrave your name on the reverse of the medal.

Saint Anne Medal

First Day

Dear Saint Anne, I appeal to you and place myself under your great motherly care as I begin this novena in your honor.
Please listen to my prayers and requests.

Help me, also,
to begin this time of prayer with a heart open to the loving grace of God.

Give me the strength to begin a new life that will last forever.
Finally, blessed Saint Anne, I ask you to recommend me to your daughter,
the most holy virgin Mary.
Through her, may I receive the spirit of prayer, humility, and the love of God.

(Recite the Prayer to Saint Ann above, followed by the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, and the invocation to Saint Anne after each day’s reflection).

Second Day

From the depths of my heart, good Saint Anne,
I offer you my homage and I ask you to shelter me under the mantle of your motherly care.
Help me to purify my thoughts and desires.

Aid my decisions that all that I do may be done in love.

Third Day

Good Saint Anne, you were the first to respond to the needs of Mary, the mother of our Savior.
You watched over her in her infancy, 
presented her at the temple,
and consecrated her to the service of God.
By the great power God has given you,
show yourself to be my mother and consoler. 

Help me dedicate myself to God and to my neighbors.
Console me in my trials and strengthen me in my struggles.

Fourth Day

Good Saint Anne, you offered your daughter in the temple with faith,
piety, and love.

With the happiness which then filled your heart,
help me to present myself to God and to the world as a committed disciple of Jesus.
Take me under your protection.
Strengthen me in my temptations.
Show yourself to be a mother and help me to live a life of holiness and love.

Fifth Day

Good Saint Anne, by God’s special favor,
grant consolation to us who invoke you.
Help us to grow in spiritual wealth for the life to come,
and guide us in our temporal affairs as well.
Grant us the gift of continuous conversion and renewal of heart.
Help us to accept the Gospel of Jesus over and over again
so that we may be ready to be true disciples in whatever situations
we may experience during our lives.

St Anne Chaplet

Sixth Day

Good Saint Anne, free my heart of pride, vanity, and self-love.
Help me to know myself as I really am, and to learn meekness and simplicity of heart.
I realize God’s great love for me.
Help me to reflect this love through works of mercy and charity toward my neighbor.

Seventh Day

Good Saint Anne, by the power and grace God has placed in you,
extend to me your helping hand.
Renew my mind and heart.
I have unbounded confidence in your prayers.
Direct my actions according to your goodness and wisdom.
I place myself under your motherly care.
Pray that I may receive the grace to lead a devout life on earth,
and that I may obtain the everlasting reward of heaven.

Eight Day

Saint Anne, you gave birth to Mary, whose divine Son brought forth salvation to our world by conquering death and restoring hope to all people.
Help me to pray to him who, for love of us, clothed himself with human flesh.
May I be guided from anything that is displeasing in the sight of God.
Pray that the Spirit of Jesus may enlighten and direct me in all I do.
Good Saint Ann, keep a watchful eye on me.
Help me bear all my crosses, and sustain me with courage.

Ninth Day

Good Saint Anne, I have come to the end of this novena in your honor.
Do not let your kind ear grow weary of my prayers,
thought I repeat them so often.
Implore for me from God’s providence all the help I need to get through life. 
May your generous hand bestow on me the material means to satisfy my needs,
and to alleviate the plight of the poor.
Good Saint Anne, pray that I may praise and thank the Holy Trinity for all eternity.

Need a Religious statue to recite your prayers to Saint Anne?
What about this wonderful St Anne Statue in hand-painted wood?
Use it for your heartfelt prayers to this very important Saint and pray for expectants mothers.

Saint Anne wood statue


Related Articles:

The 5 Patron Saints of Mothers and Pregnancy→ 
Novena to Anthony of Padua: 9 Facts About the Portuguese Saint

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